viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2017

What is in the Paris climate agreement?

Many polluting countries came together in Paris and agreed to limit carbon emissions. The Paris agreement was created to keep the planet from warming above preindustrial levels. The countries tried to adopt clean energy and eliminate fossil fuels and the most developed countries that support economically in other underdeveloped countries, but Donald Trump is withdrawing the US from the accord. Developing countries say they need financial and technological help to leapfrog fossil fuels and move straight to renewables. The national pledges by countries to cut emissions are voluntary.To make the reduction of CO2 waste there will be an average investment of 100 thousand million dollars anually. 

I think that Donald Trump has made a very big mistake when withdrawing from the Paris Agreement. Everyone would have to make an effort to reduce CO2 emissions.

lunes, 5 de junio de 2017



Last summer was the bet summer of my life. I did many things and I spent many good times.
I went to the beach and the pool with my friends, we also went to the camping in "La ballena alegre" is located in Sant Pere Pescador. We were going to watch the kite competitions because we have a friend who competes for a week.
Some days I go out for a run to the beach and Usually we rode a bike to the lake of Ventalló.
Sometimes I going to help my mother in her shop. Also I went to a lot of village festivals and I went on partys with my friends.

At the end of August my family and me we went to a cruise to Italy, Ibiza and Mallorca. 
In those holidays my brother and I we become interested to look and take pictures under the water. It was awesome and the water was very clean and peaceful. We spent a long time under water and sometimes we did  competitions who took the best photo.

Reading in pics

Education is able for everybody

domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Some of my life experiences

1. I have already been in Italy.

Resultat d'imatges de italia mapa
2. I have already travelled to Germany.

Resultat d'imatges de germany munich

3. I haven't been to Australia yet.
Resultat d'imatges de australia mapa


The baptism of my goddaughter:

Next week my granddaughter is baptise in the church of Vilamalla. 
Her name is Ivet and he has two years. She is very cheerful and never keep still. 
I'm very excited and nervous becasue I don't now what to do.
 I haven't  yet chosen the clothes to go to the baptism.

Imatge relacionada

viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017



My favorite love  song is sung by Shawn Mendes.
This song tells the falling in love and the admiration of one person to another.
He thinks it's time to tell him that he wants to be with her.

Unesco World Heritage Site


This island is located to the east coast of Australia, this sandy island is 122 kilometers long and is the largestin the world. The set of these forests and lakes with the dunes in motion make Fraser Ilan an exceptional site.          

I like this island because is very beautiful, the water is very clean and transparent, the landcape is very quiet and peaceful.