High angle: a shot taken from a camera positioned above the action.

In this picture you can see a small child playing with cars, it is used to show that someone has more power than someone else.
Low angle: a shot taken with the camera placed in a position below and pointing upward at the subject.

The fotographer who made this foto of Eifel tower was used low angle because the tower is very high.
Slanted angle: shows and object or someone from an unnatural point of view.

It can be used in dramas to show things only the audience can see.
Point of view: is an angle that shows a character is looking at.

Typical point of view are placed in between a shot of character looking at something and a shot showing the character's reactipon. In this picture you can see a person riding a bike.

In this picture you can see a piece of a movie, you see a person away in the desert. Dominates the landscape more than the person in the photo.